Posts Tagged With: Immersion

Being Homeless in Washington DC

It has been said that the more you put into something, the more you get out.  This could not be more true of the Immersion to Washington DC, that included 48 hours being homeless on the streets of our nation's Capital.  Students are part of a 25+ year tradition of participants who have completed the challenge through the National Coalition for the Homeless. First Year Brad Kakos said it best, “We got the feeling of how it feels to beg someone for a handout or to get the stares from people who can't comprehend why you're there or what you're doing. There are a lot of misconceptions about the homeless and I feel fortunate to be able to learn and see better what they deal with. It was an eye-opening experience."  It’s about service, solidarity and awareness. Taylor Cameron ‘14 and six others learn about homelessness by living it for two days.

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